Josh Churba
Hi, I’m Josh.
Ever since beginning photography, my eyes behind the lens were inherently distracted by various patterns, lines, shapes, and colors. Luckily with time, I later discovered this distraction and its purpose.

What I Do
All photographs taken are meant to be shared. As an artist, displaying artwork will forever have a special place in my heart, realizing that one day, others will relive my initial sight. Living visions are timeless.
Designer & Curator
Aside from photography, I enjoy working with clients and other emerging artists that are interested in my perspective and expertise. If you are interested in working with me, contact me.
With a degree in Information Systems and Operations Management from the University of Florida, I look to leverage technology and data analytics to recommend innovative change and proper managerial decisions to existing businesses.
Featured Projects
Interested in Photography?
Sign Up For Courses!

My audience and fans have spoken, and I am answering.
Through the JChurbz Photography Learning Academy, the photographer will be granted access to a plethora of courses taught by myself. Some of the topics discussed include DSLR fundamentals, composition and photo framework, exposure, focus, color, and technical skills of post production.
Grow your knowledge regardless of level of experience. You will be given knowledge and insights from over a decade worth of knowledge at your fingertips.
Want more details? Sign up for our mailing list and receive a brochure with more information!
Let's Talk
I would be happy to hear from you regarding any thoughts, comments, questions, or business proposals.
If you would like to schedule a call, be sure to leave your phone number in your submission and I will be sure to contact you back.